Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds
On or about April 4, 2025, the Redevelopment Authority of the City of Erie will request the release of $5,250,940 from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the FY 2022/2023 Lead Hazard Reduction Grant (PALHD0571-24). Funds will be used to assess and mitigate lead-based paint hazards in eligible residential units across Erie County. Click here for the complete notice.
An Environmental Review Record (ERR) is available for public review at 626 State Street, Room 107, Erie, PA, or online at Written comments will be accepted through April 3, 2025.
For more information or to submit comments, contact the Redevelopment Authority at (814) 870-1540 or email
Aaron Snippert, Executive Director
Redevelopment Authority of the City of Erie
Addressing Blight
Neighborhood blight and vacant and abandoned properties have profound negative impacts on affected communities — they decrease surrounding property values, erode the health of local housing markets, pose safety hazards, and reduce local tax revenue.
community initiatives
The Redevelopment Authorities under Pennsylvania's Urban Redevelopment Law (URA) have significant powers for the acquisition, management, and disposition of blighted properties. The URA includes specific descriptions of characteristics to be considered when declaring a property blighted.
The City of Erie's Blighted Property Review Committee (BPRC) is the first body to consider whether a property meets this criteria to be deemed blighted. It is the ultimate goal of the city, the BPRC, and the Redevelopment Authority for responsible property owners to remediate the blighted conditions. If conditions are not promptly corrected or if public safety conditions warrant, the Redevelopment Authority can use eminent domain powers to acquire the property, make the necessary improvements (which may include demolition of any structures), and identify a new appropriate use or owner for the property.
BPRC Meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of every month @ Erie City Hall, Council Chambers
The URA also provides the ability to negotiate the selection of a developer based on the merits of the application for redevelopment rather than the highest bid for a property. These powers are important for the elimination of blight and obtaining a redeveloper to work in accordance with the authority's developer agreement.
Properties determined to be blighted by the City of Erie BPRC are not owned by the Redevelopment Authority until action is taken. Any properties available for purchase from the authority are listed on our available properties page.